celiac disease


What is Celiac Disease and what can eat a celiac?

Celiac disease is a chronic inflammation of the small intestine due to gluten intake in subjects who have precise intolerance factors . Statistically, in Italy, celiac disease affects one in a hundred subjects and it is generally possible to diagnose it from weaning .

Some recent studies have highlighted the importance of the genetic factor in the spread of the pathology, thus making it possible to early diagnosis in subjects potentially at risk .

There are four types of celiac disease that present with different symptoms and clinical signs.

Typical celiac disease

This is the most common and best known form of celiac disease . Usually it appears after weaning with a quite clear and codified range of symptoms , such as weight loss, lack of weight gain in newborns and loose stools.

atypical celiac disease

In the case of atypical celiac disease , the diagnosis could be more complex because the symptomatology is less precise , involving different organs. In many adult subjects this form of celiac disease may be accompanied by anemia , osteoporosis , neurological disorders and typical symptoms of malabsorption or nutritional deficiency . Although, as mentioned above, it is less easy to diagnose than typical celiac disease , the atypical form appears to be the most widespread among patients with onset in adulthood .

Silent Celiac disease

It is a form of celiac disease that does not involve any sensitive symptoms .

Potential Celiac disease

Specific antibodies are detected and only then symptoms occur.

eating gluten free

What can a celiac eat and what should he avoid?

Obviously, a celiac cannot take in any way , even in small doses, gluten ! Gluten is a substance lipoprotein produced from wheat and other cereals, so it is good to avoid all foods which in their preparation include wheat flour , of durum wheat or wheat, rye, kamut, spelled, spelled and barley, including malt and the drinks that contain it, one of all the beer.

Despite not having gluten, it would also be good to avoid taking oats as, often accidentally, in the fields in which it is cultivated it is possible to find ears of corn that could generate contamination .

Celiacs can therefore easily eat: Rice, including its derivatives and flours, Miglio, Amaranto, Sorghum, Manioca and Quinoa.

Although there are foods that can easily be consumed by people with celiac disease, it is good to stress the importance and danger of possible contamination . It is therefore essential that prepared foods do not come into contact with gluten in any way!

To be certain that a food is completely gluten free , the Italian Celiac Association has disseminated a easily recognizable brand to be applied in packs of gluten-free products : a green barred spike.

how to diagnose celiac disease

To diagnose celiac disease some blood tests may be sufficient which, however, may be inaccurate if the patient has followed a free diet in the days before the exam itself of gluten. To have a diagnosis 100% accurate you can resort to the endoscopic biopsy of the second part of the duodenum.

Despite having more and more precise exams, it is estimated that about 5 celiacs out of 6 still remain unrecognized . In light of these data, the total number of celiacs would be around 600,000 people , 73% of whom are not yet aware .

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